Carolina XA Missions 2024
Weekly Missions Experience
Carolina XA Missions Offering
Our annual missions offering will take place on April 11th at our weekly Thursday night service. You can bring cash, check or give through Venmo, @Carolina-XA, or CashApp, $CarolinaXA.
We as a ministry currently support 6 different Missionary units that are taking the gospel where it doesn't exist. These people are taking the gospel to the unreached in Israel, Palestine, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tanzania. We support them on a monthly basis, and our current monthly commitment is $650. We need to raise $8,800 in order to continue these commitments.
Our prayer and hope is that we will exceed this amount and be able to support new missionaries. Will you prayerfully consider giving to our missions fund.
Fundraising Ideas
Social Media Giving Graphic:

Give Plasma:
CSL Plasma
215 Assembly St Columbia, SC 29201
Sell Things on IG, FB, Offer Up